How to Interview Successfully

Interviewing is an important skill one must have to have to obtain a new job.

There are many people who interview well and there are many people who interview poorly.

The following article is an attempt to help the person who wants to interview successfully for a job. 


Be prepared before arriving for an interview. This means having an updated resume. Make sure that the contact information is easily visible on the resume, including telephone number and email address. Most recent experience should be first on the resume to provide the interviewer with easy access to the most relevant information.

List dates of employment for previous experiences. List pertinent education and the dates completed. List also accomplishments relevant to the position on the resume. Tailor the resume to the position. In other words, if there is an area of experience that is more relevant to the desired job, this should be highlighted. Resumes should rarely be any longer than one page.

References do not need to be on the resume page, but can have their own page.

This can be listed at the bottom of the resume: References available upon request. 

Another aspect of being prepared for an interview is to research the company. There should be a knowledge of what the company is, what the position involves, and what is the mission and vision of the company. There should also be a knowledge of what the job involves prior to the interview, even if just at a basic level.   

Arrive on time for the interview. It is best to be early if the interview is in person. Being early allows for time to find parking, as well as the interview location. If the interview is virtual, logon to the computer ahead of the scheduled interview time.

Ensure a quiet, noise-free environment. Ensure the background is clean and organized.  If virtual, make sure that the camera and the microphone are working. Make sure that the microphone and camera are off when it is appropriate to be off, and on when appropriate to be on.  Be ready to have a conversation with the interviewer. Active listening is important. Be aware of the questions asked. Eye contact is important when being interviewed.

It is fine to ask that questions be repeated if the question was not understood the first time. Be aware that there are some questions that interviewers are legally not allowed to ask. It is, however, appropriate to provide the interviewer with answers to questions that they did not ask if given the opportunity.

Common interview questions include: “Tell me about yourself.” “Talk about a time you made a mistake that demonstrates your need for improvement.” “Discuss a time when you had a challenge with a co-worker and how you handled that.” It is important to answer questions truthfully but in a way that allows the interviewer to know how the interviewee can problem solve and work towards a common solution. Teamwork is something that most organizations are looking for; therefore, any answers that emphasize the ability to be an effective member of a team are valuable. It is also appropriate to discuss how current skills can impact the company and affect the job being interviewed for in a positive way.  

Be sure to ask the interviewer questions when given the opportunity. Intelligently asked questions about the company and the prospective job allow an employer to see the interviewee’s job interest in a positive light. 

At the conclusion of the interview, be sure to thank the interviewer sincerely. It is also appropriate to send a follow-up card or email, thanking the interviewer for their time. 

Following the above guidelines during an interview process can help anyone complete an interview successfully and be considered for a new position.  


   By Charlotte-Writer, Educator, Master’s Prepared Nurse